Illustration of sources integrated

What is an iFrame and how does the integration work?

With tchop you can create a place for all content, news and content feeds - from interesting texts, links, social media posts or videos to podcasts or newsletters. The output is often so exciting that it makes sense to integrate it into existing or new websites. There are various technical methods for this. These make … Continue reading What is an iFrame and how does the integration work?

How to get started: The top 10 tricks for “newbies”

All new things are often unfamiliar at first, but don't worry: tchop makes it easy. You will quickly find the best approach and content structure that suits your requirements and target group. In the following, we would like to summarize the most important information for editing, publishing and administration. It should give you an idea … Continue reading How to get started: The top 10 tricks for “newbies”

Simply invite editors and readers to your press review app

Simple and efficient onboarding, both by contributing colleagues and your readers, is an elementary part of a successful news offering. With tchop we offer you very simple ways to invite editors and readers to your channel. In the following post we show how easy it is. User management in the channel dashboard With the user … Continue reading Simply invite editors and readers to your press review app

Content cards illustrated and on a smartphone

It’s so easy to integrate newsletter content into your own app

Newsletters are becoming increasingly popular in both marketing and communication and publishing. As a message format, newsletters offer different advantages depending on the application. You establish a direct customer relationship via the user's email, which is always the basis. The performance is easy to measure. You are independent of third parties or platforms such as … Continue reading It’s so easy to integrate newsletter content into your own app

How to edit and distribute your press review in tchop

A wonderful application of tchop is the processing and distribution of the daily press review. Employees in corporate communication can simply send their colleagues the daily press review in an appealing mobile format. You can choose what is important beforehand, structure the content according to your own criteria and even add your own content such … Continue reading How to edit and distribute your press review in tchop

tchop as mobile communications platform for “Communities of Interest”

There is an undeniable trend of users in the digital world to mingle, exchange views and get informed in closed communities. Even Mark Zuckerberg speaks of the end of the classic Facebook newsfeeds and of the fact that the future of his platform will be closed groups. As a mobile communications platform, tchop links communication … Continue reading tchop as mobile communications platform for “Communities of Interest”

tchop app on smartphone

Share or edit content in your app– tchop makes it easy in the mobile world, too!

Content in tchop can not only be managed and published through the browser based dashboard – it is easy to do in the mobile world, too. Just like you and your users know it from many established apps. With that the curating and producing content becomes a piece of cake for every smartphone user – … Continue reading Share or edit content in your app– tchop makes it easy in the mobile world, too!

Chat on smartphone and desktop PC

How to use chat groups and features in a smart, efficient way

The power of a real time chat platform can make your team more efficient and more focussed. Of course often team work requires personal meetings, and with good reason—many decisions are need to be made face-to-face. But personal meet ups also come with a downside: they cost time, focus and attention of everyone involved. So … Continue reading How to use chat groups and features in a smart, efficient way

How to use Slack as a publishing tool for your own branded news app

Why keep switching between Slack and your traditional CMS to publish content when you can push your Slack posts directly to the mobile devices of your target group? We all love Slack. Lots of editors, content and communication people do. It is a favorite tool in newsrooms (see what wrote back then), where it improves … Continue reading How to use Slack as a publishing tool for your own branded news app

View your website through our app in under 5 mins.

Why not check out your own content in your own free app now, in under 5 minutes? Impress your peers in your next presentation or interview. Show your friends and colleagues some new ideas. We only charge for Enterprise Plan which is pretty top notch - tchop pricing page. With free registration and free sign … Continue reading View your website through our app in under 5 mins.