If your app is aimed at consumers, the success of the app heavily depends on the ratings in the stores. The better the rating of the app, the more likely it is to be displayed in the store and, in the best case, to be downloaded. Mobile applications with many positive ratings in a short period of time are listed in the Trending Searches. On the other hand, apps with a poor rating have a very hard time attracting new users and generating downloads.
In the app stores, user ratings can be found right next to the icon and download button, allowing users to quickly form an opinion. The decisive factor here: the average rating! So having a positive rating is important, maybe even very important.
Ratings supporting downloads
According to research by Apptentive, 96 percent of respondents professed that they would download an app with a high star rating – but only 15 percent would download an app with a more negative rating.
So there are good reasons to encourage users to leave better ratings and review texts. A new feature now makes this possible for every customer in a very simple way.
In App Rating Module
One way to motivate users to submit a rating is to use so-called in-app rating modules. These enable rating in the app – quickly and conveniently. As usual, we rely on the use of a pop-up window while the app is in use.
Not only can the text in the pop-up window be customized, but also the time at which it appears. Of course, it is important not to ask a new user for a rating right after opening the app for the first time. Instead, users should be given enough time to take a thorough look at the app and test its features. We therefore recommend that you do this a little later to ensure that it is primarily loyal, positive users who see the dialog call.
Two stages conversation
The simplest method is to divide the users into happy, less happy and still undecided users. An initial query ensures that only happy users reach the actual system rating in the App Store.
If the user chooses the option to be reminded later, we can ask him again after a specified number of sessions. Alternatively, you can simply reject a later query. This way, these users will not be bothered anymore. However, their opinion may have changed at a later time.
Engage happy users
If the user answers “yes” to the question of whether they like the app, then they should be given the chance to quickly and easily rate the app and perhaps even write a review. The next step is to call up the rating module shown above in the app. At no point does the user have to leave the app. He can submit his rating and immediately move on in the app.
Of course, this method is only useful for mobile apps that present themselves in the public App Store. Apps for internal communication that are distributed via the B2B App Store do not need to use this.
With the app update, the above settings can be customised just like the texts for your brand, their app and your tone of voice.
Just contact us if this feature is of interest to you.