One of the major tasks for an association is to communicate with its members and other reference groups. Smartphones and the mobile internet are changing the communication habits of business target groups around the globe. Mobile is eating the world. And especially communication and real time collaboration.
Due to that, there are new challenges that associations encounter, but also new opportunities.
Because of the lack of resources, the right choice of tools becomes not only more important but also more demanding. Next to your own website, social media platforms has to be served with often small teams. Those platforms can help to communicate your position to the outside world. But those platforms are not very efficient as a lasting and permanent communication channel to your most important users – your own members.
The question that follows: How can associations establish a lasting, mobile communication channel with members and stakeholders, while strengthening their own brand and managing the existing means at the same time?
Only sending email newsletters and printed letters cannot not be the answer in times of WhatsApp, Slack & Co.
All the content automatically in one place
tchop™ is combining the idea of “Content Curation” with the potential of efficient “Content Creation”. Own and external contents can be imported, edited and published on every device. With a few clicks and an utmost of automation.
For the mobile communication of associations, there are following advantages:
- every position, news, and content can be aggregated and structured in one place and put it into the relevant context of your position
- with a flexible structure of “Mixes” and “Channels”, you can deliver the appropriate content to every target group – everything in one branded native app in your own Look & Feel
- so-called “Integrations” ensure that existing content – no matter if it is about your own press release, a social media post, internal or external sources – is easy to import from other systems or platforms
- the aggregation of content can take place in a highly automatized and efficient manner, it can be handled by the smallest of teams
tchop™ empowers you to create a premium place on the smartphone, where all your members, employees and stakeholders can find relevant and up to date information in a convincing way. Without creating more work for your own team. Without any IT deployment or integration needed.
Mobile branding and visibility with your own branded app
Native apps are creating a sustainable mobile communication channel with your colleagues, members as well as within dedicated work- and reference groups. No website can ever do this.
Performance, user experience and usablity of native apps are always superior to a mobile website. There is a good reason, why users spend 90% of their time in apps.
An own, mobile app provided by an association has the following advantages:
- your brand will be visible and recognized on the most important devices of your target groups: the smartphone
- due to push notes your brand will also be visible outside the app – in the message center of the device, where all the personal and professional news are displayed
- own messages and content are reaching the users fast and directly, you can react fast and efficient in order to convey your key messages
tchop™ is offering a true full service, which means you will not require any technical knowledge or resources. You can focus on content, communication, and your target groups.
A safe communication platform with comments, likes and chat for your members
No doubt: real-time communication in mobile chat apps becomes a kind of standard for modern teams and workgroups.
Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp etc. are perfect for private communication, but you cannot recommend one of those consumer tools for confidential business communication within your association. A solution like Slack sounds good, but it does not fulfill the high standards of the european privacy guidelines. And for many users it turns out to be too complex, since they are used to Whats App from their private communication.
tchop™ is giving you the opportunity to have a branded real-time messenger with the full feature set that your users expect. A chat app in your own look & feel. It is a safe an secure platform which full fills the strictest privacy guidelines. All content data is yours.
In comparison to private chat platforms, tchop™ gives you full control: you decide who can create and administrate groups, who can just just reading or who can write, what is published for the public and what stays confidential. You can organize everything smoothly over a dashboard.
But tchop also empowers more than that: users can react to any content with likes or comments. They can exchange opinions and positions on any given topic. But again: you can decide where and how that conversation happens and which users should participate.
Power events and academies
Real life propositions like events, conferences or dedicated educational offerings play a major part for associations and members. Often such propositions are mainly featured on a website, through the different social media channels or promoted via email as a newsletter. But often these channels make it difficult to establish a reliable, sustainable communication channel to your members and stakeholders. And there is no better way to solve that through your own branded member app.
Your own mobile estate lets you
- promote events and programmes before, during and after the initial event
- create exciting formats with comments and chat DURING the event
- establish additional values for members and visitors, eg with additional news and content on top of the event
- get feedback from visitors on any topic instantly
Thanks to a flexible multi channel approach you can structure channels, groups and section to break things down into little micro communities, that could fit dedicated courses or subjects. Everything within your own branded app! Fully dynamic and flexible!
A universe of possibilites
The connection between content, news and a safe real time chat in your own design gives you a lot of exciting possibilities within your association. To reach the different target groups, tchop™ is providing you with a flexible framework of “Channels” and “Mixes”. A “Channel” can hold unique content structured via an unlimited amount of “Mixes”. “Channels” can be used for various scenarios:
- a channel for all members with a curated news-feed and various public and private chat groups
- a channel for each workgroup, which distributes news, content and information between the members
- a channel for the management, employees and/or supporters of the association as an internal tool of communication
- a public channel, which communicates own positions to the media, public affairs and other stakeholders
- channels for dedicated events with a live chat during the event
tchop™ makes creating those channels with own content and chat groups incredibly simple. The app administrates those itself and can be extended flexible and dynamic – without any further updates. You can start with one or two channels and expand the offering later anytime you want.
As the first communication platform, tchop™ is combining safe real-time messaging with current content – in a mobile app in the look & feel of your association. The possibility to integrate existing feeds, systems and sources with a few clicks and a high degree of automation, enables you to create one place to curate and aggregate daily content for the right target groups.
The whole platform is easy to use, also for small teams! You can jump right into it and you will not need any technical know how or resources. Focus on your association work and communication – we do the rest!