Five ideas on how videos can be used for your own app

Mobile video usage has reached a record level today. Today, more than 60% of all videos worldwide are used on a mobile device (source Ooyala Global Video Index Report). Ascending trend! As a content format, videos are no longer indispensable only for young target groups. They have long since arrived in the mainstream of all … Continue reading Five ideas on how videos can be used for your own app

How to use third-party content efficiently and securely for your own app

The triumphal march of the smartphone, along with its social media, has completely changed media usage behavior and thus also our communication habits. In this mobile world, digital content marketing has to adapt to changing usage habits and requirements. Brands that want to impress users with their own media and content in a sustainable manner … Continue reading How to use third-party content efficiently and securely for your own app

How to reach and inform users via push messages

Push messages are one of the most important smartphone inventions. Important messages and notifications appear directly on the screen without the user having to open a specific app. They are one of the most effective ways to communicate important information quickly. Smartphone users are generally familiar with push messages. Almost all apps use this function … Continue reading How to reach and inform users via push messages

Phone with Apple and Android logo

Advantages of native apps over the web browser

Native apps for iOS and Android The triumphal march of the smartphone goes hand in hand with the triumphal march of the apps. Because without apps, no iPhone and no Android smartphone or tablet would have prevailed. No wonder that smartphone users now spend almost 90 percent of their usage time in apps, whereas the … Continue reading Advantages of native apps over the web browser

tchop app on smartphone

“Editor Limited”: one user role – many exciting possibilities

Oftentimes it can make a lot of sense to activate users and readers for generating and delivering content. In many cases „User Generated Content“ is especially authentic and above all highly profitable, because it mostly comes at low prices for media providers and companies (usually even free of charge). In today's social media world it is … Continue reading “Editor Limited”: one user role – many exciting possibilities

Quick and easy: how to receive feedback from your app users

For many companies and media providers asking clients and staff for feedback has long been a part of everyday business life. In the past surveys were mostly conducted via telephone, printed media or through time consuming personal contact. Today digital survey tools offer exciting possibilities for handling this in a simple and efficient way online. … Continue reading Quick and easy: how to receive feedback from your app users

What we learnt from our UNICEF project “Living Schools” in regards to applications for internal communication

Ron from tchop showing one of the kids in Malawi his android smartphone Recently we gave an extensive report about our co-operation with UNICEF Germany for the "Living Schools" project in Malawi. This scheme allows donors in Germany to get a direct and authentic look, on their own platform, at the progress and development of … Continue reading What we learnt from our UNICEF project “Living Schools” in regards to applications for internal communication

The new teaser templates – make your own newsfeed even more interesting!

Big Image Teaser gives your content “strength” and makes an impression Successful mobile content apps today mainly live from an exciting, current news feed. The user must present relevant content and interesting information to the user in a visually appealing way. A key factor here is the rhythm of uniformity and variety. The content must … Continue reading The new teaser templates – make your own newsfeed even more interesting!

How the new “organisation” in tchop makes user and channel management more efficient

tchop let´s you easily connect users with relevant content feeds and channels. This can be managed dynamically via our dashboard in an easy and flexible way. But the administration of larger number of users in multiple number of channels became a bit unhandy by time. The navigation between multiple channels was only possible through the … Continue reading How the new “organisation” in tchop makes user and channel management more efficient

process how to add content to tchop as illustration

Automated news posts as they happen! Let Google do all the work for you.

Instant content - automatically! Did you know you can feed Google search results, for any topic, directly to your app? Most of the time, when we want to read about the latest news articles on a particular topic, we google it. With our tchop rss feed integration, you no longer have to do that. You … Continue reading Automated news posts as they happen! Let Google do all the work for you.