The tchop ChangeLog

This change log gives a short overview about the development of the tchop ecosystem. Latest versions come first. We focus on information that is relevant to clients, editors and administrators using the platform, so we exclude technical stuff and details that are not relevant.

For each release updates are structure in the following technical parts of the platform:

  • tchop backend and the editorial dashboards as well as of
  • the native apps for
    • iOS and
    • Android

Updates regarding the API´s are left out here for reason of simplicity.

Each release and updated is structured into the following sections:

  • Added
  • Changed
  • Deprecated
  • Removed
  • Fixed
  • Security

This makes it much easier to scan the changelog for the type of entries you’re currently interested in.


Version 3.2.0

Released on April (in progress)

tchop backend

  • New feature
  1. Time publishing of card: Curators can now schedule the publishing time of the card in the future.
  2. Adding icon to a channel: Admins can add icons/logos to a channel. This comes handy when you want to represent different channels within your app with unique brand logo
  • Enhancement
  1. Improved the chat typing performance to prevent lagging experience
  • Bug fixes
  1. Fix the issue with channel list not opening on slack integration due to API changes on slack
  2. Fix the issue with card locale changing to English when user copy pasted a card of German locale
  3. Fix the issue with cropped image preview
  4. Fix the cropped user name in the comment section of the channel dashboard
  5. Fix the issue with syncing of cards in read-only mix
  6. Fix slow loading of integration pages

Version 3.1.0

Released on March 22nd 2021

tchop backend

  • New feature
  1. Translate content: Added the ability to translate content in the app via google translate api – now user can translate any content to it’s native language given that translation function is enabled in the app
  2. Allow reader to post content in a mix: Curators can now also allow readers to post content in a mix via the app by enabling the function in the edit mode of the mix. It works exactly the same way like it used to work for editor-limited users
  3. Custom sounds: Now you can customize the sound users will hear on every push notification or chat notification. You can simply sent us .wav audio file for push notification and chat notification and we will update the apps with your custom sound. To more about it, get in touch with us.
  4. Register via Phone number: Now users can be onboarded to your organisation app via their phone number. Please contact us to know more about the feature and user flow.
  • Enhancement
  1. Updated the repo on backend for platform stability
  2. Implemented search functionality in chat participants list
  3. Added missing localisation in dashboard
  4. Updated chat groups logic to allow chat admins to add chat group avatar
  5. Improved the logic to expand fields in In-app and notification modules in frontend
  • Bug fixes
  1. Fix the issue with unprocessed card shown in mix feed but not in news feed
  2. Fix the issue where characters limit error shown by default on frontend
  3. Fix the issue with sharing attachments from Android app
  4. Fix the issue with drag and drop functionality
  5. Fix the API issue with hiding mix from mix tab

tchop app

  • Android

New feature

  1. Allow reader to post content in a mix: Curators can now also allow readers to post content in a mix via the app by enabling the function in the edit mode of the mix. It works exactly the same way like it used to work for editor-limited users
  2. Custom sounds: Now you can customize the sound users will hear on every push notification or chat notification. You can simply sent us .wav audio file for push notification and chat notification and we will update the apps with your custom sound. To more about it, get in touch with us.
  3. Translate content: Added the ability to translate content in the app via google translate api – now user can translate any content to it’s native language given that translation function is enabled in the app


  1. Improved experience with adding content via app where the added content is auto-displayed without the need to refresh given that the content is published
  2. Updated core logic and refactored news feed to improve the performance of the app
  3. Updated the app to support localisation of bottom bar tabs
  4. Updated apps to support app localisation in different languages
  5. Updated 1:1 chat logic to hide direct chats where no message is exchanged

Bug fixes

  1. Fix the issue with media library where user was not able to change it’s user profile image
  • iOS

New feature

  1. Allow reader to post content in a mix: Curators can now also allow readers to post content in a mix via the app by enabling the function in the edit mode of the mix. It works exactly the same way like it used to work for editor-limited users
  2. Custom sounds: Now you can customize the sound users will hear on every push notification or chat notification. You can simply sent us .wav audio file for push notification and chat notification and we will update the apps with your custom sound. To more about it, get in touch with us.
  3. Translate content: Added the ability to translate content in the app via google translate api – now user can translate any content to it’s native language given that translation function is enabled in the app


  1. Updated apps to support app localisation in different languages
  2. Updated the app to support localisation of bottom bar tabs
  3. Enabled the ability to disable pushes from a single chat group
  4. Updated 1:1 chat logic to hide direct chats where no message is exchanged
  5. Improved experience with adding content via app where the added content is auto-displayed without the need to refresh given that the content is published

Version 3.0.0

Released on February 22nd 2021

tchop backend

  • New feature
  1. Generating RSS feed out of tchop: Curators can generate RSS feed out of tchop content and integrate in external platforms like MS Teams. Slack etc.
  • Enhancement
  1. Included pagination in the channel dashboard to improve the performance of the channel dashboard and make the content load faster.
  2. Performed refactoring in the dashboard to decrease load on the backend and make the platform stable
  • Bug fixes
  1. Fix the intercom icon overlapping the chat mentions function in channel dashboard
  2. Fix the issue with RSS integration not creating new card after changing card style setting
  3. Fix the issue where cards created from integration were 1 hr in the past
  4. Fix the issue where the integration creator received comment pushes
  5. Fix the issue with sharing image in chat not working from mobile apps

tchop app

  • Android


  1. Added the ability to localize the bottom tab bars in the app in different languages

Bug fixes

  1. Fix the issue with Android 11 opening of links in web view

Version 2.9.0

Released on January 25th 2021

tchop backend

  • New feature
  1. Pin a card at top of News feed: Curators can now pin a card from a mix at the top of news feed. It makes it possible to display important content ALWAYS at the top.
  2. Ban a user: Org. Admins can now ban a user from the org. dashboard which allows admins to keep the scammers away from their app
  3. Hiding chat messages: Now chat admins can hide chat messages from the backend in case someone writes offensive messages in the chat groups
  • Enhancement
  1. Improved In-app message functioning based on user feedback
  2. Enabled the ability to disable pushes from a single chat group
  3. Added new user profile fields in the frontend
  4. Updated ‘Will be back soon’ page with localised text
  5. Made the integration pages localised in German
  6. Added caching in mobile route to improve the adding of content via app more faster performance wise
  • Bug fixes
  1. Fix the bug related to own reaction missing on cards
  2. Fix the cropped texts on channel dashboard
  3. Fix the issue related to adding existing users to a new channel from org. dashboard not showing changes immediately
  4. Fix the issue where users were not able to create cards out of certain URLs
  5. Fix the scrolling the loading indicator issue on integration pages
  6. Fix the extra space after ‘Link’ in the new channel creation success page
  7. Fix UI issues wit info icon and line break in the content part of the channel dashboard
  8. Remove auto-(non) capitalisation of wordings from dashboard.
  9. Fix the issues with certain elements in cards where curators were not able to save their changes
  10. Fix the inline editing behavior across different card types in the channel dashboard

tchop app

  • Android


  1. Updated the app to improved mix and news feed setting which allows curators to hide/display certain mixes in news feed and mix feed tab of the app
  2. Enabled the ability to disable pushes for a single chat groups in the app
  3. Updated apps to support hiding of chat messages from backend
  4. Enhanced the app performance based on the crash logs from google play and app center

Bug fixes

  1. Fix the issue where twitter cards were showing the same image as user avatar and main image
  2. Fix the issue with chat and sharing extension in the app
  3. Fix the issues with gallery card showing repeated images after 5 images
  • iOS

New feature

  1. Featured comment: Now, curators can decide to feature a comment (along with replies) in the News feed directly under the card with option to reply and like the comment without the need to go to comment screen. It makes the news feed even more interesting and useful


  1. Improved apple widgets based on user feedback
  2. Updated apps to support hiding of chat messages from backend
  3. Updated the app to improved mix and news feed setting which allows curators to hide/display certain mixes in news feed and mix feed tab of the app
  4. Updated chat notification logic – notifications are not shown as preview and are not included in unread counter

Bug fixes

  1. Fix the issue with user getting 500 and 422 error message while pasting non-parseable links in chat
  2. Fix the user with no chat avatar shown in the 1:1 chat user list

Version 2.8.0

Released on December 21st 2020

tchop backend

  • Enhancement
  1. Made mix tab scrollable independent of connection page on integration screens
  2. Added loading spinner on scraping integration while saving connection
  • Bug fixes
  1. Fix weird screen transition on integration connection page
  2. Fix spacing on new integration connection view
  3. Fix spacing on new new card view
  4. Removed extra spacing in cards UI between header and card headline
  5. Fix broken URL UI while creating Audio card
  6. Fix the positioning of the hint to add content in new mix

tchop app

  • Android


  1. Updated logic to hide mix from the mix tab of the app

Bug fixes

  1. Fix issue with screen automatically turning off when playing video in app
  2. Fix the issue with Name field validation in the user profile of the user

Version 2.7.0

Released on November 30th 2020

tchop backend

  • New feature
  1. Default chat: Now, you can mark a chat as default which means that whenever new user registers or gets invited to your channel – the user is automatically added to that chat group
  2. Featured comment: Now, curators can decide to feature a comment (along with replies) in the News feed directly under the card with option to reply and like the comment without the need to go to comment screen. It makes the news feed even more interesting and useful
  • Enhancement
  1. Disabled pushes for chat notification
  2. UI improvements – fixed the edit mode view of card in view port and removed blue border around the buttons
  3. Improved localisation of In-app message wording
  4. Improved localisation of Org. dashboard
  5. Improved displaying images in full width in the edit mode of cards
  6. Improved podcast integration which now creates native Audio card instead of article cards
  7. Added the functionality to create native video card with HLS streams
  8. Added ability to achive channels which makes the channel not visible in apps
  9. Improved the UI of integration pages and content tab
  • Bug fixes
  1. Fix ‘Article’ german wording
  2. Fix In-app message issue with emojis
  3. Fix issue with Embedding logo and On/off button switcher
  4. Fix white border issue from images in edit mode of cards
  5. Fix issue with chat UI
  6. Fix the issue with podcast integration related to getting http links and mismatched audio duration
  7. Fix the bug related comments in read only mixes where user was not able to reply/like a comment

tchop app

  • Android

New feature

  1. Featured comment: Now, curators can decide to feature a comment (along with replies) in the News feed directly under the card with option to reply and like the comment without the need to go to comment screen. It makes the news feed even more interesting and useful


  1. Implemented the ability to display time stamp in absolute term (instead of relative term) in the content part of the app
  2. Updated chat notification logic – notifications are not shown as preview and are not included in unread counter
  3. We included service info on all emails sent by users to better debug the issues users are facing

Bug fixes

  1. Fix issue with app crashing when pasting un-parseable URL into chat
  2. Fix issue with chat avatar not showing in 1:1 chat user list
  • iOS

New feature

  1. Apple widgets: tchop supports apple widgets where user can directly access the content in the form of widgets supported by Apple conveniently without the need to open the app


  1. Implemented the ability to display time stamp in absolute term (instead of relative term) in the content part of the app

Bug fixes

  1. Issue related to chat time stamp fixed
  2. Fixed the issue related to green line appearing when sharing the video via native sharing extension

Version 2.6.0

Released on November 09th 2020

tchop backend

  • Enhancement
  1. Implemented logic to hide mix from mix tab but show the content in news feed
  2. Optimized new/edit mix UI
  • Bug fixes:
  1. Audio duration issue fixed when cards are created from RSS
  2. DE/EN custom email switch bug fixed

Version 2.5.0

Released on October 18th 2020

tchop backend

  • Enhancement
  1. Ability to create native audio cards from XML, RSS and podcast integration implemented
  • Bug fixes:
  1. Embed not opening on iOS mobile browser fixed
  2. Integration not delivering image in cards issue fixed

tchop app

  • Android

New feature:

  1. Retention and engagement pushes: Now, admin can schedule retention pushes based on user activity to keep them always engaged and encourage them to open apps


  1. Improved logic to display placeholder when user has no avatar
  2. Updated welcome screen UI and moved ‘continue without login’ button to login screen
  3. In-app tracking implemented in apps
  4. No content published yet behavior improvement

Bug fixes:

  1. App crash issue fixed on samsung phones
  2. Fixed some places where fonts were not customisable
  • iOS

New feature:

  1. Retention and engagement pushes: Now, admin can schedule retention pushes based on user activity to keep them always engaged and encourage them to open apps


  1. In-app tracking implemented in apps
  2. Improved customisation for invite and sign-out button on settings screen of the app

Bug fixes:

  1. iOS 14 crashes fix

Version 2.4.0

Released on September 25th 2020

tchop backend

  • New feature:
  1. In-app messages: Now, Admin can sent in-app message to the apps via tchop backend. When user open the app, they can see the in-app message.
  • Enhancement
  1. Change of sorting of mix list in native sharing window from old to new
  2. Logic to auto-restart integration when it gets stuck implemented

tchop app

  • Android

Bug fixes:

  1. Caption not showing in cards shared from native sharing extension of app issue fixed
  2. Issue with chat time stamp not showing correctly in different time zones is fixed
  3. Issue with force re-login while updating app fixed 
  • iOS

New feature:

  1. Login with Apple id: Now, iOS user can login in the app with their apple id along with login with facebook and google
  2. Ability to share download links from app


  1. Headline logic change on cards based on display profile on/off
  2. Ability to customize the wordings of invite button on settings page

Bug fixes:

  1. Caption not showing in cards shared from native sharing extension of app issue fixed
  2. Bug related to showing limited options to share when user tries to share card from mix feed is fixed

Version 2.3.0

Released on August 18th 2020

tchop backend

  • Enhancement
  1. Improved performance of the Backend
  2. Typing performance improved
  3. User role tag implemented in user profile
  • Bug fixes:
  1. Chat showing infinity loading on clicking create chat icon issue fixed
  2. Bug related to field disappearing when moving card from one mix to another fixed
  3. Bug related to Caption and copyright changes not saving fixed
  4. Issue related to FB/Insta token expiring fixed

tchop app

  • Android

New feature:

  1. New user profile look: Added new fields related to social platforms. new dedicated tab for user profile with notification tab as a sub-tab
  2. Ability to share download links from app


  1. App design and customisation improvement
  2. Ability to hide specific user fields on user profile tab on request
  3. Ability to create app by addressing users as ‘Sie’ or ‘Du’ in German
  4. Links, emails and phone numbers are now clickable on comments
  5. New media selector in chat which shows last clicked images as well as shows the option to use last copied URL in chat typing field
  6. Copyright info is now also shown in detailed and full view of images
  7. Headline logic change on cards based on display profile on/off

Bug fixes:

  1. Issue related to reaction on cards fixed
  2. Showing new content after opening app from push without pull to refresh bug fixed
  3. Other general bugs fixed such as text cropping issue in mix tab, missing localisation issue, bug on behavior of @ button in chat is fixed
  4. Missing Indication to dashboard in app for curators fixed
  • iOS

New feature:

  1. New user profile look: Added new fields related to social platforms. new dedicated tab for user profile with notification tab as a sub-tab
  2. Ability to share download links from app


  1. Ability to hide specific user fields on user profile tab on request
  2. Links, emails and phone numbers are now clickable on comments

Bug fixes:

  1. Bug related to login from demo part showing demo user profile fixed
  2. Pinned mix hides when updating app bug fixed

Version 2.2.0

Released on July 15th 2020

tchop backend

  • New feature:
  1. Filter option: Now, you can filter cards in a mix based on card type, published/unpublished status and recently created cards.
  • Enhancement:
  1. News letter integration: We have improved news letter integration to make it work reliably. Previously, news letter were skipping details which resulted in broken formatting or missing text.
  2. Comments: We have the improved the performance ands behavior of some action in comment fields (like emojis) for better user experience.
  3. Matched user count on org. dashboard: Now, admin can see the count of user matched the applied filter in the user tab of the org. dashboard. Previously no such info was displayed
  • Bug fixes:
  1. Bug related to blank space beside image on mobile dashboard is not fixed
  2. Bug related to twitter integration creating cards with replies even when ‘with replies’ option was disabled is not fix

tchop app

  • Android

Bug fixes:

  1. Bug related to timestamp incompatibility which were crashing apps in some old devices is not fixed
  2. Bug related to issue with push note token subscription which was preventing few users from receiving push notes is now fixed

Version 2.1.0

Released on June 22nd 2020

tchop backend

  • New feature:
  1. Comment feed: Now user can see all the comment in a mix by visiting the comment feed available at the header of each mix
  • Enhancement:
  1. Mobile dashboard UI: Improved UI of mobile dashboard for better user experience. User can now move at the top by simply clicking top arrow which appears when scrolling down.
  2. Info on clicking expired link: Now, user receive on screen info that the link for resetting password got expired. Previously when the link got expired for forget password, there was no info displayed.
  3. Integration UI: Improved UI of integration connection pages for better user experience.
  4. Default cards when creating new channel: While creating new channel, you get a pre-created set of mixes and cards instead of blank screen
  • Bug fixes:
  1. Bug related to inability to add URL in the iOS mobile dashboard is not fixed.

tchop app

  • Android


  1. Special characters on welcome screen: Now, we also support special characters (like &,% etc.) on the welcome screen of the app
  2. Maximum character behaviour across app: Now, the behavior of maximum character typing is uniform across the app. User can type only upto maximum characters allowed. Previously, at some places user can type only upto maximum characters allowed and at some places user can type more characters than allowed but later see error message.

Bug fixes:

  1. Bug related to showing disconnected status on chat when user login for the first time is now fixed

Version 2.0.0

Released on June 15th 2020

tchop backend

  • New feature:
  1. Comment pushes: Now user receive pushes when someone replies to their comment or like their comment. User also receives pushes if any user comment on the card created by them.
  • Enhancement:
  1. Copying mix details in read-only mix: Now, curator can also copy mix details like mix headline, intro, image from the source mix while creating read-only mix
  2. Info icon on inactive fields: While creating read-only mixes, some fields can only be controlled via source mix. To communicate the same, we have added info icon on the inactive fields.
  3. Embed links: Now curators can even create embed links out of mix and cards directly from the content tab in the channel dashboard. Previously, embed links can only be created from embed section under developers tab.
  4. Opening mix in mobile dashboard shows 50 last cards. Previously only 20 cards were shown
  5. Email templates were updated with correct text and passwords were removed from the subject line for the email for security reasons.
  6. Maximum media limit that can be added has been increased to 500 MB from 100 MB. Now, you can add video or audio of up-to 500 MB in a single card.
  • Bug fixes:
  1. Bug related to infinity connecting issue on chat tab for some user is fixed.
  2. Bugs related to broken UI on mobile dashboard is now fixed.
  3. Cursor adding to comment and text field automatically when visiting edit mode of card issue is fixed
  4. Text automatically getting translated when google translate is enabled in browser at the time of inline editing issue is now fixed.

tchop app

  • iOS

New feature:

  1. Comment pushes: Now user receive pushes when someone replies to their comment or like their comment. User also receives pushes if any user comment on the card created by them.
  2. Social logins: tchop now allows app user to login with facebook or google. User can also register with their email directly from the app. Note: It is a different version of app. Not all apps will have social logins. Social logins will be only supported based on request.


  1. Localised wording: There were some missing words like updating feed, updating content etc. which were always shown in english even when the phone was set to German language. Now, those words are localised in the app and will be displayed in German
  2. Add content button in pinned mix: Now, user can add content directly from pinned mix via the add content button available. The Add content button can also be hidden in pinned mix if not needed.

Bug fixes:

  1. Bug related to user avatar in chat for users with no images is fixed. Previously it was showing ‘…’ when user has not set his profile image. Now, instead of ‘…’, the initials of the user name is shown.
  2. Bug related to emoji reactions count in cards is now fixed. Previously the emoji count was not showing the actual number of reactions from all users
  • Android

New feature:

  1. Comment pushes: Now user receive pushes when someone replies to their comment or like their comment. User also receives pushes if any user comment on the card created by them.
  2. Social logins: tchop now allows app user to login with facebook or google. User can also register with their email directly from the app. Note: It is a different version of app. Not all apps will have social logins. Social logins will be only supported based on request.


  1. App refactoring: The Android apps are refactored with improved code and performance quality. Due to the refactoring sprint, the android apps are now even faster and smoother than before. You will not notice any changes on functionality and UX but the performance of the app in general has been improved
  2. Add content button in pinned mix: Now, user can add content directly from pinned mix via the add content button available. The Add content button can also be hidden in pinned mix if not needed.
  3. Video is scrollable in the detailed view of the video card. Previously the video was stick at the top which covered half the view port in small phones
  4. Android apps can be viewed in landscape mode in Android tablets. Previously Android apps were forced to be viewed in portrait mode in Android tablets.
  5. The bottom bar of the App is localised in both English and German. Previously it was not localised and was always shown in single language.
  6. The timestamp on the cards can now be viewed in relative term (like a moment ago, X days ago etc.) as well as in absolute terms (like 2nd May, 2020). Previously, time stamp on cards were always shown in relative terms.

Version 1.3.0

Released on May 18th 2020

tchop backend

  • New feature
  1. Comment: Now, comment is available in backend. Curators can write, reply or like a comment. Admins can hide a comment so that the comment is not displayed to the other users.
  • Enhancement
  1. Gallery card: Added additional step to open the option to add multiple images to save some space in the view port and improve user experience
  2. Invitation email: Updated invitation email text with correct wordings in German

tchop app

  • iOS:


  1. Video is scrollable in the detailed view of the video card. Previously the video was stick at the top which covered half the view port in small phones

Bug fixes:

  1. Video keeps playing when user click ‘Back’ button from detailed view issue is now fixed. Now, when you click back button from the detailed view of the video card, the video will stop playing.

Version 1.2.0

Released on May 11th 2020

tchop backend


  1. Updated invitation emails and notification emails text and design to make it look nicer in different types of email apps in different devices

Version 1.1.0

Released on April 21st 2020

tchop backend

  • New feature
  1. Gallery card: Now, curators can add up-to 10 images in a single card to create gallery card.

    Note: Only updated native apps will support gallery card. Old apps will display gallery card as image card

tchop app

  • iOS:


  1. Improved spacing in text card when Headline and source is missing.
  2. Improved spacing at the top of comment screen

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fixed the issue with article card where the single word in the last line was ignored which cropped the UI of the emoji reactions.

Version 1.0.0

Released on April 1st 2020

tchop backend

  • New feature:
  1. Podcast integration: User can set up podcast integration out of Apple podcasts. Article cards are created automatically when there is new podcast available in the channel which was connected.
  2. Newsletter integration: User can contact us to set up email newsletter integration. Once setup every incoming newsletter which matches the template automatically creates requested text, image, article or social cards.
  3. Bulk edit: Now admin can perform bulk edit function from organisation dashboard. Admin can select multiple user and add to or remove from channels in bulk.
  • Enhancement:
  1. Adding video and audio via URL: User can create audio and video cards via URL.
    Supported formats are:
    Audio: ALAW, WAV, AIFF, MP3, AAC, OGG (Vorbis), WMAV2, FLAC, ALAC, WMA (Lossless)
    Video: MP4, AVI, MOV and QT (Quicktime formats), FLV and SWF (Flash formats), MKV (matroska format), AVCHD (advanced video coding, high definition), WEBM
  2. Integration pages styling: We updated the font and styling on all the integration pages which were missing before.
  3. New filter option: Admin can now filter users with additional filter options based on department, position.
  4. Implement ‘Notify existing user’ option in channel dashboard: Channel admin can now also decide whether they want to sent a notification email to the existing user or not if they add the user to a new channel. Previously it was only available at organisation dashboard.
  5. Show notification whether the invited user is already registered in tchop DB or not: Admin now gets on screen indication if the user is already registered in tchop database and they will not receive new password
  • Bug fixes:
  1. Sending channel id with standard pushes: before channel id was missing in standard pushes due to which user was not re-directed to the channel from where the push was send on opening the app via push
  2. Fixed typo in code for sending push-note deep-linked with deleted content: before when a user sent the push note deep-linked with content card which was deleted later, user used to see error on opening the app via push
  3. Fixed small teaser in embed: before small teaser in article cards was not showing image in embed iframe
  4. Fixed broken UI in push note and embed tab: before ‘Show more’ button UI was broken

tchop app

  • Android:

New feature:

  1. Gallery card: New version of Android apps will support gallery cards.


  1. Refreshing content after every 3 mins: Now, app refreshes every 3 mins when the app is running in background so that user can always see updated content.
  2. Ability to hide ‘Edit’ button in the app to prevent user from editing their profile information.
  • iOS

New feature:

  1. Gallery card: New version of iOS apps will support gallery cards.


  1. Refreshing content after every 3 mins: Now, app refreshes every 3 mins when the app is running in background so that user can always see updated content.
  2. Increased comment typing field tap area for better user experience
  3. Ability to hide ‘Edit’ button in the app to prevent user from editing their profile information.
  4. Adopted to the updated push note structure so that user is directed to the right channel from where the push note is sent

Check our blog to stay up to date on more details regarding new features and developments.

Check our demo apps in the app store for i