How to optimize the onboarding of new users

How to onboard new users Great content, features and capabilities alone do not make a successful app. Even dedicated marketing that generates lots of downloads is no guarantee of success. After all, only when first-time users can immediately and clearly see their added value, when they are curious enough to open the app again after … Continue reading How to optimize the onboarding of new users

Mobile App Launch Checklist

10 Proven Tips to Launch an App In 2021

Launching your own app for your business is essential to stay in the competition. In fact, having your own app is no longer limited to large businesses. As per a survey by Clutch, a market research firm -  42% of small businesses already have their own app and 30% were planning to launch their app … Continue reading 10 Proven Tips to Launch an App In 2021

Our 10 Most Underestimated Yet Powerful Features That Make Working with tchop Seamless

tchopTM is a fully customizable & feature-packed content curation platform with excellent community features. We built tchop to simplify content curation & community management with the flexibility to customize your own branded mobile platform. We do not believe in one solution fits all, especially in building a platform to host your community with its own … Continue reading Our 10 Most Underestimated Yet Powerful Features That Make Working with tchop Seamless

The New In-App Messages – How to Reach Your Users Quickly & Easily

With the new in-app messaging functionality, you can display a message in your app when a user is currently using your app. Therefore, in-app messaging complements push notifications, with which messages are sent directly to the notification centre of the user's phone. In-app messages also solve another problem that exists with push notifications – users … Continue reading The New In-App Messages – How to Reach Your Users Quickly & Easily

You Own the Home Screen with The New iOS 14 Widgets

As an iPhone user, you probably already know that iOS 14 now allows you to add widgets to your home screen. Combined with app icons and wallpapers, there are now many creative ways to design the home screen according to your own wishes. Indeed, Android had this ability for a while. Still, iOS 14 takes … Continue reading You Own the Home Screen with The New iOS 14 Widgets